The refrigerator is the traditional posting place for children's artwork. But the refrigerator has several disadvantages as an exhibit space: it has relatively little space for the artwork; the posted art is constantly subjected to stress as the doors of the refrigerator and freezer are opened and closed; and the refrigerator is usually located in the kitchen, where humidity and smoke and aerosolized grease can adversely affect any exhibited art. In time the artwork becomes weathered, and desperately in need of restoration. Sadly, it is too often the case that funds for proper restoration have not been budgeted, so the artwork is often shelved or, in some cases, discarded.
Not so with The Virtual Refrigerator. Here, artwork can be preserved electronically and shared with visitors from around the world. So I officially open this exhibition space with a portrait of myself, done by one of the two artists whose work shall be the primary focus of this site. Enjoy, and come back often!
If you would like to post some of your little artists' creations here, just drop me a line!

Portrait, June 21, 2005
by Jeffrey
pencil on pink notepaper, 3.5"x3.5"
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